Heart of the Andes

Heart of the Andes

Heart of the Andes

Frederic Church | 1859

Frederic Church was the star pupil of Thomas Cole and the most important artist of the second generation of the Hudson River School. He did not limit himself to views of New York and New England; in the 1850s, inspired by the great explorer Alexander von Humboldt, he traveled to South America and created sketches that formed the basis for a grand panoramic painting of the Andes.

Church painted nature with an uncanny level of detail and a lasting sense of awe. His landscapes embodied the American belief that expanding the frontier and territorial growth were part of the nation’s destiny. When this monumental painting was first exhibited in 1859—in a darkened room with hidden lighting—it caused a sensation. In many ways, the painting represented the Hudson River School’s ideas at their most dramatic peak.

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